Parent Involvement

Learning Together - Parent / School Partnership 

We invite our school families to be part of our learning community.

Parents are invited to participate in classroom literacy, numeracy and integrated programs, working bees, fundraising, our fete, School Council, excursions and camping programs.

We value the strong link between home and school and encourage this partnership with our school community. 

School Council

There are many ways for you to participate in school life and we do urge you to react to notices sent home and to join in and make it our school not the school. We hope you will become as proud of our school as we are. We would like you to be involved at School Council level.

In common with other State Primary Schools, Chelsea has a council set up to promote the efficient conduct of the school. The council constitution states it shall consist of up to 8 parent representatives, 2 community members and 4 staff, including the principal. Our school council meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm. Meetings are open and everyone is welcome to attend.

Parents are welcome to join any one of the four sub-committees of School Council, education, finance, and buildings & grounds. Sub-committee meetings are held approximately once a month (before school council 6:30pm).

Class Parent Representatives

Each year teachers ask one parent from their class to be the class parent representative. The parent representative acts as a liaison between all parents, teachers and the school community. The class parent representative attends parent club meetings. Representatives can organise class parent social activities, help the teacher with any tasks (eg. organising parents for excursions etc.) and helping with fund raising activities.